Teleportation — how is the mind created?

Yashvi Gondalia
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

In my psychology course, we are currently studying about the mind-body problem and all of a sudden we are struck by a dilemma: —

Would you try teleporting to another location if, hypothetically, human teleportation works just fine?

At first, I answered, ‘Hell yeah!’ I mean who in their right minds would turn down such a Sci-fi experience. Well that’s the thing, it sounds all heroic and cool in movies and books but in the hypothetical reality it’s too good to be true. Teleportation essentially means creating an exact copy of yourself in the new location and destroying your original self in the previous location. In this sense, teleportation equals murder. A fellow classmate of mine argued that ‘Imagine, if there was an error in the system and after your new self was cretaed at the new location, you were not automatically destroyed. You stayed alive there knowing there is another self of you out there and that you were to be destroyed any minute.’ So, in this case, your current consciousness was about to be destroyed and killed but because there was an error in the system, it’s not all spontaneous anymore, it’s just plain murder waiting to happen. And at that point I realized how dreadful this supposedly cool supernatural power really is. Imagine your partner kissing a duplicate of yourself. Even though it’s exactly you, your consciousness etc., the body still seems to be new, you know? And there is also the entire debate about how does the mind get created in the new location? It has been quite established that the mind is not made up of the same substance as the body (mind is not made up of physical substance), therefore, when the atoms and molecules of the body are being regenerated at the new location, does the mind generate itself too? (based on the exact same molecules of the brain?) We have no way of knowing of what really happens as we still don’t know how the mind has come out to be. Isn’t that scary? Not knowing whether your mind will follow you when you teleport? Will it be the same mind? The same consciousness? From the dualist point of view there is absolutely no way that the mind is created at the new location because dualism suggests that mind is an immaterial substance. But if we argue from a functionalist point view, we can argue that once the brain is created, the mind will be realized in the brain. This is similar to the concept that a software can work on any computer provided the hardware can support it. I personally believe that the exact brain cells, neuronal pathways, memory etc. can rebuild a mind but I don’t believe that the mind will be the same because of the multiple realizability theory that states that the same mental state can be realized from different brain states. That is, neuron A+neuron B can mean mental state 1 but neuron B and neuron Y can also realize mental state 1. In this case, it is very well possible that our past experiences get interpreted differently? or get consolidated in different ways? I am not very sure how this would work. I think the brain is way too complex for us to yet understand how to duplicate it.



Yashvi Gondalia

Aspiring Clinical Psychologist. Learning about the World of Psychology by Researching and Sharing my Writing